Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Summary and Response to "What Teachers Really Want to Tell Parents"

Ron Clark's Book The End of Molasses Classes
In “What Teachers Really Want to Tell Parents” by Ron Clark informs parents that teachers are quitting their jobs because parents are being too protective with their children and sometimes cause teachers to lose their jobs. Clark wants parents to know how the teachers feel when the parents ask if their child really did something or if they have an excuse for something. Clark states that some parents will have an excuse for their child not doing an assignment on time. The parent would say that their child needed to have some free time or they were busy even though they had time before that to finish the assignment. Parents need to listen to the teacher so they can work together and fix any dilemmas that they have. Parents need to be partners with the teacher and do what is right to help their child.
Ron Clark

Ron Clark’s “What Teachers Really Want to Tell Parents” is accurate

when he says parents are being over protective because the children need to learn from their mistakes and not be defended for everything they do. Clark writes that parents sometimes bring lawyers to school meetings that are dealing with their child. If parents would help the situation and admit that their child is doing something wrong then it would be a lot easier to find a solution to the problem instead of telling the teacher or thinking the teacher is inaccurate about their son. Teachers are having a hard time not getting in trouble or losing their job for simple human errors or over reacting parents. Clark wrote that he saw on the news that a teacher lost their job for trying to wash permanent marker off a child’s face and caused a red mark to be left behind. The parents got her fired for that simple thing that most teachers would have done. Parents need to ask for both sides of the story before going to conclusions on something their child told them. Children can over exaggerate and make something sound worse or different than it actually was. A child might say that their friend stole his phone but might leave out the fact that they originally stole their friend’s money and the friend wanted to get revenge. Overall, if parents do not assume that their child is perfect or near perfect than their child’s education could be better.


  1. Excellent work Christopher! Super job


  2. good job. liked the starting question

  3. I think you need to prepare a little more and use used a lot of filler words, but I think you did okay on your speech. Nice starting question. Also good score on your PLN 8.

  4. Good attention getter, my parents don't have a excuse for me though. I didn't teachers quit there jobs because of the stress. Great final question

  5. Great use of notes and fantastic notes. Good question to.

  6. Nice starting question. Be a little more relaxed take it slow. Good points and examples and facts. Good job not relying on your notes so much and looking at the audience. Good ending question. Great job

  7. Good points and bringing examples out from the article. Try to say like less. Overall good job being prepared and good points.

  8. nice ending question and good discussion

  9. Good presentation. Good examples and good eye contact. Good job!

  10. Good job and great final question to involve us as if we were parents

  11. You had a very good question and In general your presentation was good

  12. you look like you practiced this so that's good and your hair is maximums curlyness but you said the work like a ton of time.

  13. Facts show what people could do to help
    Great question

  14. Good presentation overall maybe too many hand gestures and speak a little louder

  15. Good opening question. Good response, good eye contact. Good ending question.

  16. Be more comfortable, maybe ask a more relatable question. Overall it was good.

  17. 1. you didn't have an opening question
    2. you are swaying
    3. good final question
    4. good conversation with the class

  18. Very nice job. You got the whole audience involved, and had a great speech along with PLN.

  19. Great Job. I like your question

  20. maybe practice at home to get the jitters out. I thought your view to this article was interesting.
