Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Summary and Response to "Schools Would be Great if it Weren't For the Kids"

In “Schools Would be Great if it Weren't For the Kids” by Alfie Kohn informs readers that students are not being properly motivated for school because students do not like school, do not work hard, and do not do well. Kohn states that commentators are only looking to prove test scores and not to motivate the students themselves to do better overall. Students are losing interest in school and the stuff they learn because they look forwards to any rewards or avoiding any punishments that they might get in school. Economists say that motivation is only can be if there is a reward, but motivation can come from curiosity and ambition, parental expectations, the desire to get into a ‘good’ college, inspiring or intimidating teachers, and peer pressure. Kohn explains that schooling for some kids is only for working and being kind instead of discovering and learning something new.

“Schools Would be Great if it Weren't For the Kids” by Alfie Kohn is informing readers about the truth in saying critics are only looking to improve America’s education compared to global competition because students are forced to do all their different boring homework every night and do not have many fun, exciting, and motivational classes in the day. If students were more motivated in a curious and ambitious way than test grades would go up either way because students would be more excited to do better and earn better grades. Economists need to realize that bribes and threats for students are counterproductive in helping the student’s futures and test scores. It kills student’s motivation when they are bribed or threatened. They only think of the reward or punishment and not of learning and doing well in school. For example, if you were told if you did not get a good grade on a test than you would have to redo the class next year, then you would be more focused on not having to redo the class instead of attempting to learn more in class and being more interested in what you are learning. Students lose their main focus and goal of learning in school without being properly motivated by educators.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Christopher- I really like your extension piece in your response. There are a couple of areas that need proofreading. Id love to see a second extension in your response.

